Lyric discussion by justme1999 

The lead singer said, in an interview, that it was about when you come out of depression and you have to start over completely. You have to try not to slip back into depression, and you basically feel stronger but even more broken at the same time.

I know what that's like. Whenever I pull myself out of a depressed state, I feel rejuvenated, like I've just woken up and into a new age, but I feel something slowly eating at my and decaying many parts of me, physically and psychologically, much like the effect of radiation. It slowly eats at you until you complete decompose and can never be completely purged from you. Depression is very similar.

I agree justme1999. & wow AltRock55 that is so true. a perfect description of what depression does to you. sad but true--you'll never be the same as you once were.

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