Lyric discussion by turtledude 

I think this song is about how if you think too much you lose touch with your intuition, emotional and spiritual side. This song has helped me alot. I wrote an essay about how it compares to the book "The Master and His Emissary", which is about how in Western society we overuse the right hemisphere of our brains (the logical side) at the expense of our left hemisphere (the emotional and spiritual side). Here's my interpretation.

"Black then white are all I see in my infancy": I saw things in a simple, inaccurate way, thanks partly to my society favouring the use of the right hemisphere of the brain. "Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see": I began to see subtlety and complexity in life after I began to use my left hemisphere more.

"As below so above and beyond I Imagine": a reference the Hermetic philosophy, patterns we notice on Earth can be extrapolated to apply to higher dimensions "Drawn beyond the lines of reason ...": Rational thinking has its own limits, for example logic can't justify the use of logic or give you a purpose for living. Life with only logic is empty, cold and meaningless.

"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind": Over use of the right hemisphere of the brain weakens your connection to the left hemisphere. "Withering my intuition": If you can't use your left hemisphere then you don't have access to intuition and creativity. "And I must feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines": Will power probably comes from the left hemisphere, it is the "Master" and the right hemisphere is its "Emissary" because only the left hemisphere can answer the question "Why?", to the right hemisphere everything is just a task to complete.

"There is so much more, and beckons me to look through to these infinite possibilities": There's alot of life experience I'm missing out on by not using my left hemisphere enough.

"Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line.": Staying in the same old thinking patterns isn't going to lead me to new experiences. "Reaching out to embrace the random. Reaching out to embrace whatever may come.": Emotions, intuition and new experiences are random, I have to be okay with that if I want to live life to the fullest.

And the rest of the song is how he feels once he has embraced his left hemisphere, his life feels more meaningful and less monotonous.

Glad someone could put it into words. Well done.

Actually the left hemisphere is the "logical" side, and it isn't actually the logical side persay, that's a misinterpretation of how the brain works.

@ISPIRALOUT: thanks! Nice username btw.

@Ganondox: you're right, I mixed up left and right, wow that was silly of me. Thanks for pointing it out.

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