Lyric discussion by xbrandon 

This song is quite direct and forward. The whole purpose is just to say that we have to look at how we throw harmfull words around without any caution. Calling someone a faggot may not be meant as bad as it can be taken. Someone that's having a tough time w/their sexuality may hear that word and feel more pushed away by society.

The lingering "I can't change" is done so elegantly that it reminds us that whether studies, science, religion or anyting's not something you can just change. Love is natural and easier than hate. Yet those who love the same sex are oppressed and judged faster than anyone.

The line about the holy water being poison is referencing sermons that spew hate instead of love. Most religions preach love and compassion over everything else.

This song is the best track on the entire CD. I was blown away when I heard it. This is my 10th time hearing it tonight.

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