Lyric discussion by chewbecca1 

This song, without a doubt, is about self doubt and Nate's climb to "the top". He ditched his first band the Format (whom was amazing). He then moved to New York, left his family and friends, and spent the next few years becoming the famous guy he now is. He has guilt, and regrets from the things he did, and people he hurt to get to this place. But also really enjoys it at the same time. Some night's he is happy with what he has, some night's he would take it all back.

Some nights I wish my lips would build a castle, some nights I wish they'd just fall off -refers to his struggle between his talented voice and lyricism and wanting to use them, and how sometimes hew wished he had no talent and desire so he could be normal.

Some night's I wish this all would end, cuz I could use some friends for a change- refers to, just that. He left his whole life, including friends he grew up with to become famous. I am sure he knows whatever friends he has now will never be as true as his ex band mates and Arizona friends.

Some nights I wish you'd forget me again- refers to his band the Format, rising in fame, dwindling, ending. People forgot him, he started another band.

Some nights I wake I still see your ghost- refers to his old band mates...whom he ditched.

When I see stars, that's all they are - refers to famous people, being just people.

I miss my mom and dad for this - refers to leaving his family for fame, which is not what he thought it would be.

Who the f*** want's to die alone all dried up in the desert sun- refers to ....Arizona, where Nate is from.

He then goes onto talk about his sister's struggles with her ex and his nephew which was the one good thing that came from that, which is a topic unrelated to the rest of the song.

It means what you think it means, because everyone can see it differently. Even if the Fun released a statement of what it meant, that wouldn't be the "correct" answer. Music is meant to inspire, to release emotions and thoughts. No interpretation is wrong.

@chewbecca1 That is very true, we all get different meanings and analysis from songs. In this case, my husband and I grew up around these people when the Format was just starting out. Although I have not seen any of them in many years, I have a very personal insight to their story and see it all over this and other songs.

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