Lyric discussion by jschreib23 

I was just listening to this song and was reading these comments, which caused me to really re-listen...

I seem to have a completely different take on it. I do agree that this song is about a relationship, but I don't think its negative at all. The sound of the song alone seems like .... that point in time after a good cry. Where things were bad, but now its kind of clear.

I think the song starts with the relationship in a bad place. The male character was sleeping in a hotel/motel room. He thought things were going to "burn" and that the grapevine ("relationship") was "left for dead". I think what happens next is that this couple goes to talk about things... the child they picked up is who is dancing, and its in that moment he realizes that they don't need to bury their relationship in that cemetery. I think the fact that Gibbard metaphorically uses wild fires is because wild fires are a natural thing. While it takes a while for growth to occur again, the aftermath of a fire brings out new species and kills off dead things.

It is for that reason that I think he comes to an understanding that though things are bad, and may seem like they're getting worse, the fights and hardship are necessary for happiness in the future.

They were both in the Hotel/Rented room....Think's an afair where they love each other but "knew it was a mater of time"

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