Lyric discussion by jimT27614 

I'm new here, so be nice. And I know this site is devoted to lyrics, and to me if a song ain't got great lyrics, it ain't got much. (Well, mostly--there are some great exceptions...) And I think this song has some of the most interesting, thought-provoking and evocative lyrics Dylan has written--so far. But beyond that, what I really love about this song is the serpentine, insistent melody, earworming itself into your brain until, when it ends, you wish it hadn't and just want to start it over again. Oh yeah, that and the bizarre inside-out, sometime-leading and sometime-trailing "back-up" singers (counter-point, I don't know enough to say). The song would be great without them, but they add another layer that makes me listen that much harder (what is he, what are they, doing--and how?). Somehow, it hammers home the main point of "no time to think" without being simplistic.

PS--I agree that it's "vomit and jealousy." Listened to this song hundreds of times and never once heard "anger" While we're nitpicking words, I hear (and think it fits better with the music): "Vomit and jealousy's all that he sells AS HE'S content to put you under his thumb..." rather than "Anger and jealousy's all that he sells us, He's content when you're under his thumb." It doesn't really change the meaning so maybe it's moot, but it's the way I hear it and I think it better fits the propulsive singing. But really, it's hard to tell what he's singing sometimes, esp on this album--which I truly think is under-appreciated. I'm gonna move on and see what people think about Where Are You Tonight (and what that ONE LINE is...)


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