Lyric discussion by Coldplayme 

To take someone away means to bring them from their home to an institution such as a hospital. When in the chorus they say "it takes me away" they consider themselves as in need for being hospitalized. In other words, the person is crazy about and infatuated with somebody.

That somebody is in fact the singing person's neighbor or somebody alike. "Your house that sits behind me is covered in ivy green", this how the song starts. The second verse starts with "the scent you wear moves in lines from your apartment into mine", which indicates that they are neighbors. That neighbor is acting as if they didn't know the singer.

"It takes me away" is the main message of this song, which means that the singer is insane about somebody, and needs to be hospitalized, literally. Likewise, "would it be much better if I knew nothing about you" means because of you, I became an insane, literally. Hence, in order to become sane again, the singer is going for treatment. "I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I".


1957 is the year when psychiatrist Humphry Osmond coined the term psychedelia. This term is derived from the ancient Greek words psuchÄ“ “mind” and dÄ“lōsÄ“ “manifest”, translating to “mind-manifesting”. See wiki for psychedelia. The music video for this song does not comply with the plot of this song's lyrics.

This comment may be a part of the general meaning of this song, but this comment is not subjective.

To me, the line "takes me away" references how the thoughts of her ex take her back to these memories of their relationship, which make her nostalgic - both happy and sad. But I'm guessing mostly sad. So she asks "would it be much better if I knew nothing about you?" That way she doesn't have to deal with those memories causing her to hurt or obsess over the relationship anymore. Then she decides that she'll gladly go back to that place in her mind because the memories are better than having nothing at all. Kind of like the quote...


Of course this comment is subjective. You are not the artist. "1957" was not chosen for the year 'psychedelia' was defined, but because it was the address of the space the band was working in when they did this song. The lyrics are sufficiently vague that this could be interpreted many different ways, your own cognitive bias is showing.

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