Lyric discussion by T-BoneWalker 

Here's what I think-- The Song is called "Oxford Comma", and it's clearly addressed to an ex-lover, it's a breakup song. The "Oxford Comma" in this case, stands in for everything that is pretentious and conceited about this girl. She's someone who is very concerned about being smarter than everyone in the room--so she corrects people on trivial things like "oxford commas" so that she can feel superior. "If there's any other way to spell the word..."--The girl tends to correct people on spelling mistakes--the singer realizes that correcting people on unusual spellings is trivial. "I've seen the English dramas"-- The singer is saying that the girl's exposure to high culture does not make her better than other people. "Why would you lie about how much coal you have"-- "coal" means "useless possessions", like "coal in your stocking". Why would you lie to make yourself appear better than others? "...about anything at all"-- Just what it says--Why are you deceitful? "window, wall, lil' jon"-- I think this is just saying that Lil Jon, in his street-dialect style, is far less pretentious than this girl is. "tape conversations"--Just another break-up accusation, it's a deceitful and hurtful behavior, and she's a deceitful person "paintings...united nations"--it's just the sort of thing that a pretentious ivy-league girl would want to do--have her paintings hung in the united nations, oohh look at how sophisticated I am. Right? :)

I don't think John Negroponte is involved in this song in any way, shape, or form. You guys are pulling that out of your ass.

I agree with this interpretation. I was thinking about taking it a little further. Coal in some languages, like in German (Kohle) has a direct reference to money. So why do you care about how much money you have maybe??

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