Lyric discussion by Perlarahmeh 

This song is incredible. Definitely one of the best songs I've ever heard in my life, made me love Anberlin even more for many reasons. First, this song is very deep, got me thinking a lot when a lot when I first read the lyrics. Second, it's full of emotions: his voice is unreal, very powerful and emotional, especially the way he starts screaming at min 4:30 (with the choir) and "take what you will what you will --> this is not heaven this is my hell"... the song's perfectly composed and it's very well done (obviously). It's the kind of songs I can't get enough listening to, to the point that it made me shed a tear. (I'm not a cryer.) Plus, the fact that this song is about Stephen's experience with God made me love it even more, since I'm really into religion and I believe in God with passion. (Mostly) everyone goes through this phase when we refuse God or have some kind of doubt in his existence. Some people hate him because of the bad idea they took about religion, like it's some kind of slavery and strict rules which you have to follow. So this song is a message to everyone that doubts or maybe tempation happen to everyone, and the solution isn't giving giving up. I know I talked a lot, and I still have a lot to say but I'm out of words because this song is so insightful, intense and inspiring. Nine minutes of absolute perfection. Sorry for overtalking. I love you Stephen :)

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