Lyric discussion by Cassandra108 

When I was in a short-term relationship (we were both students going separate ways to continue our education) the guy I was dating played this song a lot. I guess it can mean different things to different people, but for us it described the feeling of being with someone you care about while knowing that the relationship will end.

Light reflects from your shadow It is more than I thought could exist You move through the room Like breathing was easy If someone believed me

This could describe being surprised at how much you care about someone and how comfortable you feel around them, especially if you weren't intending for things to get serious.

And everyday I am learning about you The things that no one else sees And the end comes too soon Like dreaming of angels

And leaving without them

This describes the process of forming a deep connection with someone despite the cognitive dissonance of knowing that it won't last.

And with words unspoken A silent devotion I know you know what I mean And the end is unknown But I think I'm ready As long as you're with me

This describes the willingness to endure the pain of a relationship and breakup for the companionship of someone you value. The "words unspoken" are them both knowing that they became more attached than they wanted to be and although the end will be painful the whole experience will still have been worth it if they can count on each other for understanding and support.

Just my experience! Thanks!

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