Lyric discussion by kevms 

This song, for me, was about teenage exploration, and more importantly, about the "parental unit(s)" dealing with that inevitable launch from the nest. I hear Bowie understanding what it must be like, from a parent's perspective, to find a teen, in bed long after he/she "should be up". Wake up, shake it off, i've made breakfast. The crack in the sky, is the friends reaching down to the child, he/she is lost to the parent, they are here to stay, those that will take your little one away. It's the realization moment that your precious little child is (maybe) gone, off into the "real world." Don't you know you're driving your Mothers and Fathers insane? To me, It's that "let go" moment, when teens become adults and there isn't a f'ing thing you can do about it.

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