Lyric discussion by llscience 

There's obviously a volcanic eruption going on if you look at it literally, but I think the song is a little deeper than that. I agree somewhat with JWStreeter.

To me, I see someone who has been stuck in a continuous cycle, getting nowhere. As a twenty-something recent college graduate, I definitely relate. The first lines seem to really sum it up for me: "I was left to my own devices. Many days fell away with nothing to show." I imagine him working away at some dead end job with years going by. And then he stops and looks back at his life and sees that nothing has changed. Nothing is really happening and he starts to wonder when it will really begin. Even though he's always been an optimist, he's having a hard time being positive about his situation.

@llscience I think you and EdwardC have hit the nail on the head! As a twice formerly successful forty-something, having lived through the dot-bomb and the housing collapse, I can also definitely relate to the concept of being stuck on the endless wheel, running to try and get ahead but ending up in the same place. Somewhere Sisyphus is laughing.

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