Lyric discussion by bugita 

This song is definitely an elegy lamenting the dead who suffered the eruption of Vesuvius, Pompeii in AD 79...worshiping volcanoes...being immobilized...obsidian and all the other volcanic references!

In the first stanza her awareness of the tragedy seems to have prompted existential questioning, she goes on to direct the questions to the victims that lay buried still, almost writing from the perspective of witnessing the tragedy first hand....using the collective 'our' when asking... "...preparing for when the bombs hit..."

"..I had a dream.." Here is the personification of the volcano who has the dream. Mother earth who see's it as this harmful canker, takes her knife/wave-earthquake and rid's herself of the blister. "spreading in a circle like an atom bomb" equates with the amount of destruction caused by the blood/lava. The imaginary of the blood having no bounds soaking and felling everything in its path is really beautiful in its symmetry to the lava flowing in the same manner.

The last stanza is the realization of just how imminent life is, every second is bringing us closer to our last hour and we have no say in our fate, nature will do as it pleases, regardless.

I guess it also fits that in ancient Greece the body of a Kingfisher could ward of thunderbolts and storms so perhaps thats why she chose this particular bird. And where the Kingfisher gets mentioned she seems to be asking something of it. "Kingfisher ..sound the alarm....Kingfisher...cast your fly"

Lastly, I love the ending line "Kingfisher, lie with the lion" I think this represents a golden age, where everything is finally at peace. its similar to some part in the bible about the wolf laying with the lamb. the natural order of things ceases and a type of symbiosis occurs that dictates a harmonious co-existence between all living things.

There are other parts which I don't think are too cryptic and were probably just a natural progression of telling the story.

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