Lyric discussion by mydreamquest 

The age of the writer is crucial in this song. My guess is typical "twenty-something" naive love. The context, or voice, or rather, vibe of the song is of the voice of someone confused, perhaps even fearful of the duel unknown of either 1) staying in the relationship or 2) breaking up.

Breaking up is very painful. When one breaks up with one person, one's becoming enemies with one they've been their most vulnerable too. This applies to both parties in the relationship.

This song's nothing more than one person's attempt at trying to reconcile their feelings while entering the oblivion of a relationship no more.

The final lyrics is nothing more than the person admitting defeat meaning that he realizes the relationship's futile.

'The Letter" is nothing more than a metaphor for the voice thinking his loving counterpart wants out.

The song is the musing of this unreconcilable confusion.

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