Lyric discussion by carrotcaek 

I interpret as her pursuing a lover persistently, because she needs his strength. Him being a river's tide is helping travel through life. She wants to be with him so she can live fully, not being held back by fear and loneliness.

She wants him to also be the ocean, to be part of her world so she can deal with pain and tragedy by holding onto him. Looking at the ocean at the end of the video symbolizes her looking with fear at what is to come, while holding on to her lover to stay strong.

The lover is apprehensive about letting her follow. Likely for several reasons. He does not want to rely on her (or possibly anyone else) to survive. He wants to be self-sufficient. He probably also is not sure about committing to the relationship, even if he loved her deeply before (and was possibly left hurt/scarred) .

In the end, in the music video, he gives in to her, allowing himself to be comforted by her again, to let her be comforted by him. She is drinking his tears, symbolizing she is trying to soak up his pain to strengthen their bond. When they then kiss deeply, she becomes calm, as she has come to use sex partly as a way to keep men close to her. She has the sense of ownership over him, again.

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