Lyric discussion by sjukhus01 

My feeling (only my own interpretation rather than Yorke's) when I listen to this is that he is done with this life, tired, exhausted, ready to "throw in the towel" as such. For me at least, there is no lower feeling you can experience than when you are truly connecting with this song. To me it's about being stuck in a hole so deep you don't feel you'll ever escape from it, out of it and back up into the real world. By "real world" I mean to fit back into society as a happy, functioning individual with goals, aspirations, a future in sight. The idea of such an existence seems foreign even if it was once your reality, so you want out. You want to disappear.

@sjukhus01 All you described, Im none of that. I dont have a good job, could not go to school, im 32 with two kids and a wife, and I have no goals or aspirations. That is why My wife wants to leave me, she wants me to be someone i dont want to be. This song makes me disappear for 5 minutes and 45 seconds. That is why i play it everyday.

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