Lyric discussion by stickSMbugg 

Alun54: Just what I was thinking too, as a believer. To me, this song is ultimately about stepping up as people and taking credit for the crap we do, and the good we do too. I really like Frank Turners more-or-less positive lyrics on this entire album, and this is also a pretty inspiring song!

I think what I find more surprisingly than his joyful atheism is the intensely nationalistic English identity he expresses throughout the album -- nationalism is a violent religion, and a lot of other faiths are corrupted by its allure. At least, that's the few from my angle. At any rate, what I try to take from Frank's England-fanboyism is to realize and appreciate your own culture. I see him as the English take on Americana. Englisha!?

Hoping to track this down on vinyl soon!

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