Lyric discussion by Toth 

This song was also played by the band as a memorial to the victims of a deadly disaster. So it is about death and loss allright. But it can be interpreted very personally.To me it heals all the cynicism that you can build up during a life time of isolating, enclosing pain over loss. I sang it, and when I came round to "Easy for you to say, your heart has never been broken" I cried tears of deep felt anger and pain, most of it not tagged to anything specific. Some wounds can't be healed, it seems. The end is inspiring: DON'T SAY IT'S ALLRIGHT. Everything matters, everything. In the end that brings relief: being able to notice it all, realizing that you are part of all that. I am not a cynic, to me this song is not cynical, it is tapping in to life force, how strange that may sound. I could give room to the pain and sadness by singing it out. With that it became part of a larger existence, and it stopped eating me away. I have noticed that a lot of the lyrics of the Foo Fighters are like that: they liberate from boundaries and bonds that are not yours but just imaginary layers over reality. By crying out your pain you can feel the love, brak through those layers. Which is quite special I think. You can't put that into a logical paradigm, or in a belief system. It's personal, based on experience, and it's bigger than our carefully constructed theories about life.

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