Lyric discussion by woollyworm 

Not exactly an abstruse message here. As others have said, the dude loves the girl, but she treats him like a piece of meat (salami? hot dog?) to be used--and thrown away--at her own convenience. He puts up with the abuse because, well, he has low self-esteem, feels powerless, and wants her around at any cost. And besides, the sexytime (to extend the meat-metaphor: a hot dog slapping a folded-up bologna?) does seem to be enjoyable for him.

Back in high school, in the 90s, I used to jam this song all the time. I could relate to it, because I, too, had low self-esteem. This song was extra depressing for me, though, because I was actually jealous of the guy in the song. I'd think, "Well, at least you HAVE a girlfriend of some sort!" (at that point in life, I hadn't even hugged a girl yet). Later in high school, I did get a few girlfriends, and I'm happily married now. But man, I'll never forget those dreary afternoons lying on the bed in my room, staring sullenly at the ceiling, with this song spinning on repeat in my Sony Discman as I held back tears of hopelessness, social ineptitude, self-hatred, and unrequited teenage libido.

Man, the first couple years of high school sucked. Glad that shit's over forever.

@woollyworm yo man I get you completely, I mean I had sex for the first time in highschool with a girl, she told me I ruined her life even though I treated her like the most priceless thing on earth then she just threw me away like a used condom

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