Lyric discussion by narcan2981 

I hadn't heard this song for a long time until yesterday. This song struck a cord with me because I recently had a HUGE falling out with a female friend of mine who I suspected of being a bit narcissistic and was extremely needy. Her life always had some sort of drama or turmoil in it and she was constantly burning bridges with other friends that she claimed had changed. I don't know if you would say I was in love with her but I did find her attractive. She would always call me and said I would always make her feel better because "...all her questions would get sympathetic answers..." In other words, I'd tell her what she wanted to hear. And then ultimately, when it came my time in the dunk tank and she purposely sabotaged our friendship after repeated times of me sticking my neck out for her, she dropped me like a bad habit. And I am happier for it.

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