Lyric discussion by Alice. 

This song caught me within seconds. My interpretation's quite personal to me (But really, when isn't an interpretation personal). For me, this song is about a girl who will never really let herself have what she wants. Whenever she gets too close she runs away and the speaker knows and understands this, he knows how dark inside her head must be and he loves her regardless of it. He knows that when she attacks him, she's really just trying to hurt herself. And then he goes on to say yes it hurts but i'd rather have this than nothing with someone else. Head up love is telling her to cheer up (obviously) head up, keep your love is reminding her to keep on loving, keep on feeling and not to forget there's good along with the bad.

very beautiful interpretation... kudos!

Couldn't have said it better myself..

I met someone who was like this, and I fell in love with him. It wasn’t until after he ran away from me that he confessed his love…I haven’t seen him in what will soon be a year, but I love him just as much as I did in the beginning. I love him, but it hurts :/

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