Lyric discussion by WCwasRight 

Damndest (sp?) simplest song I have heard in sometime, but has a rhythm and content that makes it so very powerful! I am a guitar player! Damn good one I will say, but 3 years ago lost my small finger in a table saw accident and it simply hurts to play! Never made much off playing either, and I always kept the day job! But this song I predict is going to make me do something about that! Either painfully learn to be ambidextrous or suffer the pain in playing normal! To me the lyrics are positive but the rhythm and drums used take over! The positive outlook cannot be denied, and isn’t that what it is supposed to do? Just like a faith in an omnipresent god! At least the feeling is immediate and does not take a lot of mindfulness to process as Christianity does! More later about Buddhist philosophy!

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