Lyric discussion by ackeibler 

I always feel like this song is read wrong. If you put it into sentence format, it becomes a lot less unambiguous. Where are we? What the hell is going on? The dust has only just begun to form cop circles in the carpet. (As in, the dust is forming the crop circles, because its only now beginning to settle, as opposed to the dust forming and the crop circles being two separate entities.) Sinking feeling. Spin me around again and rub my eyes. This can't be happening. When busy streets -- a mess with people -- would stop to hold their heads heavy. (As in, all these people on the streets stop to hang their heads.)

Hide and seek, trains, and sewing machines, all those years, they were here first. Oily marks appear on walls where pleasure moments hung before. (Ever notice how your handprints leave behind marks on the walls you touch?) The takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this still life. (The still life referencing the aforementioned "oily marks" as opposed to the "pleasure moments").

I would like to hear the rest of the song in your opinion. I agree and understand what you are saying.. Personally it seems from what i understand (taking into account what you have said also) that she must of slept with someone and everyone heard, but she obviously loved this person. I might be wrong.. But i am st

still intrigued to hear what you have to say :)

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