Lyric discussion by manic4manics 

At my (all girls) school the teachers put on these hilarious plays every year, to give us all an excuse to laugh at and make fun of them... it's brilliant ;) Anyway, this time (a few weeks ago) there was a pretend slo-mo fight between my physics teacher and the (gorgeous) Russian teacher, both dressed as James Bond, with this song playing really loud in the background. Mr Physics gave Mr Russian a dramatic uppercut, causing the latter to collapse to the floor, after which Physics stood over him in a crazy legs-spread-muscles-flexing-Shawn-Michaels-esqe pose just as the line 'I'm sexy and I know it' boomed out of the speakers. We all fell about in hysterics, and that scene is now imprinted on my mind whenever I hear this song (which is disturbingly often). :)

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