Lyric discussion by Benfish 

I like a lot of these interpretations. I like that there are many. Has anyone suggested that the lines

"and there's even some evil mothers Well there gonna tell you that everthing is just dirt you know that women never really faint and that villians always blink their eyes that children are the only ones who blush and that life is just to die"

go together? In other words, the "evil mothers" are destroying fantasy. Everything is MORE than dirt. Life is NOT just for dying. Because the next lines

"But anyone who ever had a heart they wouldn't turn around and break it"

finish the sentence. Either way, the thing I agree with people the most on is that this song is just great.

Yes! Those lines you quoted are brilliant, the way they add just enough subtle irony to show that the narrator is looking at the world with open eyes. After all, it's true that women don't faint and that villains blink their eyes, but even knowing this, even seeing the flaws in these people's corny, romantic view of life, despite all that, the narrator is making a knowing, deliberate choice not to be cynical. And that, to me, is what makes this song convincing and truly moving as opposed to merely sentimental. The narrator is not naive, he knows life is...

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