Lyric discussion by IrishWxman 

I was about to come here and voice my disbelief at the ignorance of everyone who provided an opinion about the meaning of this song until I read ",ozoneocean's," post. FINALLY someone used the gray matter between their ears and did some research. This song is clearly about loss, and dealing with loss. The woman who provided the vocals for the song was even quoted as saying that she had her friend Jeff Buckley, who died in a drowning accident, in mind when she was writing it! She said it helped her cope. It could be interpreted as any loss, it depends on hoe the individual listener relates to it. It could be the loss felt due to the ending of a relationship, or the loss felt over a loved one passing away. Anyone who has ever lost someone that meant the world to them knows how difficult it is to deal with it. It's as difficult as trying to put out a fire by standing over it and crying. "Teardrops on the fire...?" You people who say its about abortion are just plain dumb. Yeah, Massive Attack is going to make a song that describes in detail an abortion procedure; are you mad? I seriously doubt a woman would listen to this song for comfort after having an abortion. And those who say that is what it's about because of the're even dumber than the other people. Have you never seen a music video from Tool, or Gorillaz? Their videos have nothing at all to do with the lyrics of their songs. Massive Attack is a new age rock band. Of course their videos are going to be weird. It's how they are defined.

C'mon people, think before you post dumb crap. This is a very sweet and touching song. Don't ruin it's meaning with the macabre.

don't get mad just tell your opinion without screaming, by the way i was here just to say the same ozone and yourself said, thanks to him and u for the good explanation

i think your right, but in your fit of rage you have overstated yourself, and thats when you begin to look like an idiot yourself. the song can be about abortion because that is loss aswell. you can assert yourself if you believe you are correct and justify, but there is no need to criticise.

Bitter much?

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