Lyric discussion by Wovenheart 

The song projects the cycles of life and how they tend to repeat themselves, based off our perceptions and experiences. It sends the message that we can choose to identify life essentially as good or bad and that mindset might be the only control we have. The rest is predetermined and at that end of our journey, we'll understand why. More specifically, how life can teach us if we allow it to and are paying attention and to try not to figure everything out. It's good to have a self awareness and understanding of our surroundings but it can paralyze us if we delve to deep and not take things as they come.

If the song encapsulates what the writer directly went through; the band does a tremendous job of expressing satire through a sarcastic/melancholy tone, with a result of optimism. Sounds like the writer/ singer may have experienced some trying times but chose to accept and see through them in a positive light. I think this is not only intended for a romantic relationship but for life in general. It says to cherish the best moments but expel and learn from the tough ones. The irony of the song is that the person was once who he's encouraging everyone not to be like. He lived, he learned.

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