Lyric discussion by Trellis 

THIS SONG IS NOT ABOUT ANOREXIA. Have you people ever heard of a Metaphor? Imagery anyone?

To me, this song is about someone in a relationship that is dying, and is barely holding together, hence "come on Skinny Love just last the year" the love they have is barely there, and he wants to hold on to it.

"I tell my love to wreck it all, Cut out all the ropes and let me fall"; He wants to end the relationship, wants her to leave him, but neither of them can bring themselves to do it, they keep coming back to one another.

"And I told you to be patient And told you to be fine And I told you to be balanced And I told you to be kind"

He's telling her how to make the relationship last as long as it can, and they are both trying to sort it out, and end it, to clear up their feelings.

"In the morning I'll be with you But it will be a different "kind""; They have once again reconciled, and their attempts to end the relationship have failed, they wake up together, and this was not what he meant by being "kind", he meant have a gentle break up, but she has been "kind" to him in the romantic sense, taken pity on him, and got back together with him.

"I'll be holding all the tickets And you'll be owning all the fines"; He will accuse her of different reasons they keep getting back together, and she will be owing him apologies in his eyes.

"Come on skinny love what happened here"; He's asking their strained relationship what happened, their love used to be a "Well rounded love", but now it is a "Skinny Love"

"Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere"; They keep getting physically intimate, and he is hoping that they can make it work each time, but it only shows how they are attracted to each other physically but not emotionally.

"so slow on the split"; They are taking too long to split up and stay apart, instead they are trying to drain the relationship dry of any affection, when he thinks they should just be moving on.

"And now all your love is wasted? And then who the hell was I?"; All the love she put into their relationship at the start is wasted, as they have dragged out the relationship and ruined it. He's asking himself, "Who was I?" because he used to be so in love with her, and all that love is gone, and he cant figure out how to get it back.

"And now I'm breaking at the britches" He's illustrating how sexual their relationship is now, and all the emotion has gone out of it, he's not thinking with his head, but only his body, just acting on his lust for her, and not thinking about moving on.

"And at the end of all your lines";When she has grown old. "Who will love you?"; She is scared to be alone, that's why she can't to move on from him, she can't bear the idea of growing old alone, without being with someone.

"Who will fight?" Who else is going to fight to keep their relationship together? He has made so much effort to fix their relationship, she doesn't know if she's ever going to find anyone again that will fight that much for her.

"Who will fall far behind?" Which one of them is going to be crushed in the end? Which one of them will be left behind by the other? They are both fighting to keep ahead.

I know many people feel this is about illness, but I believe a strained relationship is illness enough. To me, many of Bon Iver's works speak of little, barely tangible tragedies in life.

that is an awesome interpretation of this song. i totally agree

I think it could be about an anorexic, too. I often thought it is but then I thought that this song is too popular for this theme... Not like Superchick or Silverchair.... I dont know but of course it would be the first interpretation after listening....

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