Lyric discussion by insane81 

Todd Kowalski: I guess that’s a list of the things Chris likes. On the surface, it’s little things, but if you look a little closer and try to read into it, it’s about being who you are personally or sexually. Again, it’s "be who you are and like things that people don’t think you should like and admit that you like them."

As a side note, I’m personally a friend of Wab Kinew, who does 8th Fire on CBC, and he talks in the middle of the song in the language of the Anishinabe here in Manitoba. He says the same thing for Aboriginal people — that they should be proud of who they are and for white people to understand their contribution. So it’s about respecting yourself and also being interested in other people. One of the things Chris says he likes is history and trying to understand competing histories.

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