Lyric discussion by yekalkan 

"when i am king you will be first against the wall with your opinion which is of no consequence at all "

this phrase is coming from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, like song's name. you probably know that song's name is coming from Marvin The Paranoid Android, who is a character in this book. in story, Marvin (paranoid android) is the first robot that is created by a Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. And marvin hates this Corporation, because they created him.

And; in Guide, this Corporation is defined as "a bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes".

so, in my opininon, thom yorke speaks to God when he says "when i am king you will be first against the wall, with your opinion which is of no consequence at all".


@yekalkan i like your opinion but I think he' snot referring toGod when he speaks to his creators, but to SOCIETY, which is the one judging and making us so insecure about ourselves.

This answer made me like this song like 100 times more. I love this song because it's beautiful and I can identify with being paranoid, but I LOVE the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I've read all of the books and I had no idea of the connection.

@yekalkan you nailed out, God is indeed perceived in human consciense as its Creator! But lets attempt to analyze this hymn! The song starts with the singer's irritation for the "unborn chicken voices" (obviously a vegeterian) and his will for revenge. In the mid-time he struggles to deny his paranoia. Then there is the incident inspired from the Gucci lady at the bar (anti-capitalistic comment) where not only does the singer insult God but demands his execution. At the last part we have the regret of the singer although the crime is happening and it all concludes with the idea...

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