Lyric discussion by twendel 

This song's heavier than people think. You have to kind of be from an older generation to remember Anita Bryant, basically she was this Miss America bitch who's life mission was to prevent gay rights in the 1970's.
How David fit into this was, this song was sort of his 2 cents about the whole bull-shit thing, but in order to understand where he's coming from, you have to remember, David spent most of his young life in prison. In prison, homosexuality is seen differently, a lot of men in prison engage in homosexuality, and not just sexual assult which is the stereotype, there are full on love affairs between men in prison, and everyone pretty much takes it for granted. What I feel David is trying to say, is gay people are regular people just like the rest of us. Some gay men are killers, some are big, some are small, some are in between.... etc.

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