Lyric discussion by msp123 

The point of this song is to mock most friendships. Overall, it expresses his distrust in people. I think reality is harsh and this harsh reality is singing to Kurt's feelings. In Kurt's mind, I think he's feeling the need for a true friend, but then he feels discouraged when his imaginary friend places unfriendly demands on him, so then Kurt longs for the memory of when he believed true friends were easy to find and keep.

The song describes a true friend but then implies most people fake it because they're users. In the song, the person welcoming you as a friend appears to be open minded and generous but then contradicts it all. For example, your schedule should really fit his schedule, and you're just a trend to make him look trendy too, and you'll be kicked to the curb when you no longer serve this purpose. You can be dirty or clean (physically, emotionally or morally), but whatever it is, it needs to be useful to your so called friend. In other words, your value isn't determined by your true character and health, it's determined by what you can accomplish for your so called friend. He also talks about you once being an enemy but now has use for you for some reason; and just in case you suspect he might still harbor resentment and be shady, he swears he doesn't have a gun. Kurt himself had guns and said he wasn't afraid to use it, so he's implying somebody who claims to not have intentions of hurting you can't be trusted because a real friend will just simply be your friend instead of just saying they will be. In other words, earn your trust with your actions, don't buy it with promises. Yet, most people are just empty promises.

I know this is the complete opposite of what most people want to believe about the song. But Kurt was a very sarcastic and cynical person. Courtney Love says he had no real social friends and that he resented most people who considered themselves to be his true friend. He was a very grounded person who thought people didn't value the important things in life (like true friendship) and instead were shallow and often backstabbing. Most of his lyrics are contradicting and ambivalent, which is his way of being sarcastic and expressing his frustration and cynical views on humanity.

This song, like almost all his songs, is so ambivalent you could actually interpret it many ways. I think he does this not only for artistic purposes, but also to give the listener the freedom to feel the way they want to about it. But I think he believes in the cynical interpretation even though he wishes for the non-cynical interpretation.

@msp123 Thanks, Courtney

I think he is talking about how Satan came as a friend and changes into something else after getting him into it. The bleach is the whitening of Jesus which is false he is black. Deception is the world's game.

@msp123 its been 10 yrs so ill cut you some slack but god this is cringey and reads like an entry straight of an angsty tweens diary.

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