Lyric discussion by guymonde 

What a load of Hokum. This is a song about a love affair. The guy is spiritual by nature(in part) It's a whimsy about whether a love affair could last. I suspect the lover is the same as in Rainy Night House

@guymonde the lover in rainy night house is Leonard Cohen.

I have to say that I disagree. Not all Joni's songs are about her love affairs! This one clearly, to me, is about religion. She is considering trying Christianity. She knows that it will not be easy, that it will demand difficult things of her. She knows that some of the creed doesn't make logical sense, may even contradict itself; she wonders how much of it she would have to accept. All, or just some? She also wonders how long her faith might last, will it grow or fade over time? Finally, we have...

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