Lyric discussion by lux113 

Like any really good song.. much is left ambiguous.

It can be related to any relationship.. it can be a past girlfriend.. or even the death of someone you love. Anything where you want to go back to before it all happened... back to before the breakup.. the car accident (like the video) or the illness.. anything really.

We take too many things for granted. We think things will stay the same.. but life is always changing, and one day you wake up to find what you had is gone - and you didn't really take advantage of the beautiful thing it was while it was there.

He throws in some other stuff.. because any good song also has some slight personal background, but all of the things about pulling the puzzles apart - and about chasing our tails reiterates the idea that we were distracted by things that truly weren't the real important things. We should have been focusing on that relationship - no matter who that person was.. a mom, a girlfriend, we shouldn't have assumed things would always be the same..

He's now on the other side of it - and looking back... and there's just no going back to where he once was.

It's one of the saddest songs... but it generally reiterates the idea that you don't know what you got.. til it's gone.

@lux113 Your thoughts on this song is Deep and Very True


I think that the chasing tails part means he's not getting anywhere going over and over the past relationship. But he does it anyways.

I also think coming up tails means a negative result of the process, again, not getting anywhere. Not able to go back to the thing he craves so badly. Tails is bad luck, and he will not get heads, but he still continues to desire what he can no longer have.

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