Lyric discussion by rowdytexan 

OK...the lyrics are the result of a brilliant-minded 20- year old free-spirited girl who could read Chaucer by age 6, but was enthralled by the psycho-babble of Ayn Rand and Sigmund Freud so that by her teens she could blow the minds and excel in mental gymnastics, besting any 17 year old boy ready to spray shorts. So she (allegedly) hooks up with a 30-year old tv star, Dave Coulier (My Two Dads) who rocks her world in bed, but is emotionally detached to her; she's just dying to get inside his head after sex, but he won't open up. Frustrated by his lack of communication, she takes pen to paper and writes 2 of the all-time man-eating rants based (allegedly) on their relationship.(The other song being the lurid tale of, among other things sex in a theater, "You Oughtta Know"). Alanis came out of nowhere and seized the zeitgist of feminist-angst, especially the 20-something year-old grrrls who weren't gonna take crap from no neanderthal, mysogonistic cretin...dude. So strict interepretation of this song is futile, besides, maybe Dave didn't want to know what goes on inside a head like hers.

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