Lyric discussion by llscience 

A lot has been said about this song, but it's one of my favorites ever, so I figured I'd put down my thoughts.

His heart has been broken, smashed into a million pieces. But Skinny Love isn't about the one who broke his heart. He's trying to find something in new relationships now, but is unable to. He's pretty much at rock bottom. He pleads with his new girl, "skinny love" to just last the year. He needs someone, he hasn't had a meaningful relationship since his heart was broken. But he knows it's his fault. "Cut out all the ropes and let me fall:" forget it, it's not going to happen, and it wouldn't be easy, "this order's tall." It's a tall order to try to deal with him right now in this state.

In the first chorus, I think this "skinny love" is speaking to him. She tells him to be patient and kind and maybe this will work. But she knows it won't, and in the morning, she'll be a different "kind." Not a genuine kindness like before, but a false, pity sort of kindness. She's leaving. She holds the "tickets," a list of all of his faults and mistakes, and he is left to work through them alone, to "pay the fines."

He is speaking again and asks her "What happened here?". Now he's really at the bottom. He has his heart broken again, this time essentially by himself, and is as full of sadness as he could be. "Sullen load is full."

Then I think in the next chorus he is speaking to himself. "I told you to be patient...fine...balanced...kind." You need to be those things for a relationship to work. Then in his despair, he addresses the original heartbreaker. "Who the hell was I?" Maybe he was cheated on. He's broken, and it's all her fault. He realizes how broken he really is, and why "skinny love" didn't last.

I imagine him looking in the mirror and asking himself: "Who will love you? Who will fight? Who will fall far behind?" If someone is going to really love his broken soul, they're going to have to fight for it. They're going to have to fall behind in life to go pick him up out of the hole he has fell/dug into. Is there anyone out there who will fight that hard for him?

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