Lyric discussion by UC52 

This is a really good song, and I love the parallels you can draw to modern society with this.

But to be slightly cynical, I can't help but think of a line by another band here:

"Music of rebellion makes you wanna rage, but it's made by millionaires who are nearly twice your age."

Anyway, it's a good song. I don't mean to put it down, just wondered if anyone else thought the same.

Yes, my cynical brain thought the same thing. Your comment also made me find "Porcupine Tree - The Sound Of Muzak", good song, thanks! :)

However, I'm trying to think like this. Maybe the reason why those millionaires who are nearly twice my age, are in fact millionaires, is because they didn't let anyone control them when they were my age. What do you think of that?

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