Lyric discussion by bigdc67 

"Dandy of Gamma Chi". The greek letters for Gamma Chi resemble "rx", which of course is the symbol for "prescription" or "pharmacy". Always wondered if he was saying he was the "dandy of drugs" or that he was that guy who always had good stuff on hand.

Created an account just to reply to this. If it wasn't intentional it's still brilliant. Well done.

Dandy: A man unduly devoted to style, neatness and fashion in dress and appearance. He may have been that way when he was in a fraternity, I don't know. But I think it's referring to drugs. Maybe being the "dandy of drugs" would mean that, in the way a sharp dresser thinks his appearance will help him with the ladies, he uses the drugs to help him make time.

@bigdc67 I'm sorry but no. For one thing, Gamma looks nothing like "R," but for another thing, Gamma Chi are the alpha-female sorority girls who help other (lower) sorority girls through their orientation into Greek life. Being the Dandy of Gamma Chi would then mean that he features himself the pimp king, lording it over the hottest of the hot girls on campus, the Gamma Chi's. Look it up on the urban dictionary if you don't believe me.

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