Lyric discussion by kindleme 

I love this song with every fiber in my being because it's about faith and the character of God-- how He is Love and forgiveness, and we can find reprieve in Him.

I love that the first two stanzas are written in anguish, with a tone of sadness and a yearning to just be healed of all the pain. You can feel it, and your heart aches because you too know yours isn't pure and dear God you hope someone knows you BUT WAIT!! Man is a giddy thing. Yes, friend, mankind is a happy, joyful, deeply suggestible, highly emotional, giddy thing that is created to connect. and therefore LOVE! Love. It will not do the terrible things society wants you to fear it will. In fact, it does the opposite. It heals. It fulfills. It reveals. It is beautiful! It is God's nature. Man's nature. Your nature. There is hope. You can be all that you were purposed to be if you will only Love. Go out and love, you giddy thing, you.

@kindleme This is my favorite comment on here! Hit the nail on the head! Almost touches as much as the actual song! :)

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