Lyric discussion by kaishanks 

I dont' think it's of a very religious nature. Firstly, there are too many very modern references to be about the Resurrection. EG: "Papers", "Jail", "Cement". Secondly, while I'm fairly certain Jack is religious, with nearly becoming a priest and all, I've noticed in many of his blues covers of artists like Son House, he'll cut out parts that directly mention god. Lice "cannon" which is a partial cover of "John the Revelator" Son House openly talks about god in his version, Jack white only take snippets, which, while of a religious nature, don't directly state anything about god. He's also probably the most neutral guy in the world. He doesn't vote, he doesn't take a stance on drugs, nor take drugs, nor has he ever openly stated his religion, after becoming an artist, other than that he almost became a priest. He's never compromised him by writing an original song that referenced a specific religion, to the best of my knowledge.

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