Lyric discussion by wordsthenbeat 

I agree with Planetearth and Defeeds,

To add to their interpretations, I believe the reason Levine chose a payphone rather than a cellphone or even any kind of phone, home phone, is because he is describing how lost he is now that he is apart from his ex-girlfriend.

After their break-up, he lost all his routine familiarties, and is now stranded in a big city, or better yet, deserted. He doesn't feel he belongs anywhere else but with her, she is "home". Therefore, he uses a payphone.

I agree completely, nice interpretation.

I read Defeed's explain and I didn't agree with it. But as I read urs it occurs to me that you guys are viewing the lyrics in another light. Or ur guy's meanings is correct it's just incomplete. I think it's missing this part:Adam's lyrics are "I'm at a payphone trying to call home". You guys already got the payphone part. But for me the "trying yo call home" part always stood out 4 me. To me that translates his heart is with her and home is where the heart is. So he is trying to reach her because she...

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