Lyric discussion by tsampa 

its bona fide poetry. Elliott never glamourised addiction, he knows and yearns for what 'true love' should be, but it has forever been completely elusive to him, So instead he finds it in a drug which he bought off the street. At first,like any relationship , its pure bliss, but then when the (post honeymoon-)honeymoon masks come off, the true nature of this so called true love is revealed , she is controlling, possessive, abusive and manipulative. So he feebly attempts to end it, but she cunningly lures him back by telling him he needs cigarettes because she knows he will make a detour to go find her, and so he does, and whats worse to find that she's grown even stronger, he now accepts that this is bigger than him and can't do this alone, so he goes to rehab, where he finds himself playing the same sort of tricks he learned from her, only here on the doctors so he can get stronger drugs. In his numbness, he astutely observes, that there are others just like him, and it wasn't 'just me' after all, deprived of this beautiful elusive thing true love('the rose behind glass locked and closed') Sadly this is a mere observation and is in no way comforting to him, so he cries out to his maker (its lord not love btw) to take him away. a swan song indeed, RIP you beautiful tragic soul

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