Lyric discussion by Sille 

Wow, there's a lot of you guys who actually didn't get the main point here, I think... louisagiffard is the only one who saw that this song is actualy pretty political.

As I see things, this song is about trying to escape narrow gender roles - and the "us" who needs some room is not a man and a woman in a relationship, but all the girls out there who does not feel comfortable with just accepting to be a woman in a suppressed kinda way.

This point is underscored by the video - all the actors are women, but with different interests and motives = there's a lot of ways to be a woman. Furthermore: as the singer is gay or at least bisexual, it would seem strange that she should have wrote this song just for celebrating conformity and motherhood. I think there's a lot of irony in this song, including the title.

Basically, she says, that the men can be men as they like, but that they have to understand that women also must have the room to be women as they like - take a look from our side.

spot on! But what about the end? Isn't it like the story is starting all over again? Maybe the hole deal was a roleplay, like gender-play is? The dialog is starting "all over", as if the conversation is between har and a new person.

If that is the case, then the scene is a flirte or a roleplay to show how people perform and play as part of interacting together.

I definatly thought this song was about emancipation and sufferage but more in relation to any group that is oppressed. Typically 'the man' is a referene to the governent or governance in general.

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