Lyric discussion by rounder89 

I think the references to god and a garden (of eden perhaps) are very metaphorical. I love this song and I'm wanted finding the real lyrics to some of the words I could not understand. Now that I see the true lyrics I think the writer of this song is a student of science. "we are star dust... we are billion year old carbon." That is really cool for that to be in this song because all we are is matter from exploded stars billions of years ago. We would not exists if stars did not explode their elemental guts so to say all throughout the universe. As Professor Lawrence Krauss likes to say "forget jesus the stars died so you could be here." I think the reference to the garden is a metaphor for paradise. Which is what Woodstock was to some at the times going on in the world.

Just wondering whether Joni was giving a nod to Ed Mitchell's revelatory words as he viewed planet Earth for the first time from space.

"We are stardust." - Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 10 astronaut, May '69. "...we are stardust..." - Joni, August '69

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