Lyric discussion by nebulouscw 

This is one of the most powerful songs I have ever heard. I really discovered it this week, and it makes me cry every time I hear it. Let me tell you a little bit about why.

When I was a kid, my aunt Nancy was my favorite person in the world: I idolized her. Her smile warmed up the room, her laugh was infectious, and she was loved by everyone. She was truly a rare and remarkably beautiful human being.

Then, suddenly it seemed, she became very ill with cancer. Even throughout her vicious battle with cancer, she remained positive and wonderful. I remember the last time I saw her alive: I was 8 years old, and she was surrounded by machines in her bedroom at home. They knew that she couldn't win in the end, and she wanted to be at home with my uncle while she still could.

When the ambulance was leaving with her body, I am told that my uncle chased it down the street, until he collapsed sobbing halfway down the street.

In the year or so following her death, he spent a lot of time with me. He didn't want to talk about it, and he needed a friend who wouldn't make him. It turns out that doing coloring books with a kid was easier than confronting the death head on.

I listen to this song, I see him chasing that ambulance. I cry because I feel like I understand his side of things better through this song. The numbness, the isolation, and that irreplaceably wonderful person that is suddenly missing... it's a story to big for words alone.

Well done, Antlers. This song has encapsulated one of the most trying aspects of being human: our mortality.

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