Lyric discussion by ddeight 

Beautiful. This song is about Jews, and Israel; always being hated for being different than everybody else, with all societies they were part of projecting their own hate and violence on them (hateful people would describe Israel as the neighborhood bully, while it's actually a peaceful victim in almost every situation...)

The people that contributed most to world culture, science, art, medicine (Dylan himself is Jewish; the cell phones and computer processors you are using were engineered by Israelis), and are being hated and demonized for racial and cultural reasons - scapegoating at its best.

This song depicts it very well. Everybody else take their anger out on him, and he's considered a bully...

No, this song is not about Israel or Jews. When he wrote this song, he was referring to Moammar Gadhafi and all the glamour and crap swirling around him at the time. He wasn't praising Gadhafi, per se; he was being ironic, condemning, sarcastic, and, in an oblique way, admiring. I remember when I heard this song for the first time, I was instantly transported to the Middle East and have come to believe there will NEVER be peace in the Middle East. This song from the INFIDELS album is really my all time very most favorite Dylan.

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