Lyric discussion by LivinLaVidaLoki 

I agree that this is about growing up, he says many things to point to this.

"I gotta box full of your toys, They're fresh out of batteries, But they're still makin' noise"

As is he left his toys when he grew up, they are out of batteries as in he doesn't need them as he has outgrown them, but they still are a memory. Something like this.

"Pour yourself some tea, Just like grandma made, When we couldn't find sleep, Things were better then, Once but never again, We've all left the den."

They out grew up, but they can still go back and remember their roots.

"The choo-choo train left right on time, A ticket costs only your mind, The driver said hey man we go all the way, Of course we were willing to pay!"

They left, but it cost their sanity to grow up, they had to go all the way.

Again this is just my basic idea.

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