Lyric discussion by themiko48 

This song is not just about a girl. The tine it was written was when the Western Civilization had a sudden influx of Eastern Philosophical ideas. John Lennon's "Across the Universe", almost all of George Harrison's songs had a lot of philosophy.

Ruby Tuesday is the very essence of life. Be it Happiness, God, Chance, essence - Absolute Truth. The Hindu Philosophy of absolute truth says that things are what you believe them to be. That is what Ruby Tuesday is, she changes everyday. When the sun is bright, or in the darkest night, she exists everywhere and nowhere - anywhere we humans want her to be.

The reason why she is mysterious and ever changing, is because she IS humanity's purpose. We humans think we have one purpose. It's not true. Purpose is what we make it to be. Ruby Tuesday thus can't be chained to a life where nothing's gained or lost.

The last paragraph deals with hope. The songs explains how Ruby Tuesday does what she wants, when she wants. Then why do we humans even care? So this talks about our dreams and how we shouldn't let them slip. That is the very essence of life, our purpose, of Ruby Tuesday.

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