Lyric discussion by Phaedrus81 

This song is supposed to put the listener into the poetic experience of ADD, and the musician's overall frustration with the world. Notice how each stanza is purposely disconnected from the rest. Each stanza expresses a different feeling and thought that happens to enter his mind. What connects these thoughts is the existential angst from which they originate. Separating each verse is the escape from holding on to and continuing each line of thought, "Sail!" He is floating upon a world that doesn't understand him, and that he doesn't fully understand.

I'd have to agree with the distinctive break up of the stanzas. I think they are meant to be seperate thoughts fleeting through his mind. The video emphasizes the random thoughts that he's gennerating and "classifying" as due to his ADD. The pictures on the wall are extremely random: 2 wolves fighting, what looks like a giesha, a soldier arming a big gun, a naked person curled up on the ground, and ET? OK ET is really several duplicate images of a person made to look like an alien, I think the eyes are the key there ;)

Also notice the orbiting planets with AN labeled on one and what looks like a stick figure on the middle one. Maybe his different spheres of thought floating around him. His desk seems to give an impression that he is in a state of nostalgia. Notice the items on it are a bit dated and then there is the book (funny thought, books themselves are dated) with some sort of writing, maybe Japanese or hyroglyphs. The page then turns to what looks like scribbles when the light shines in and then pictures start covering up and...

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