Lyric discussion by lokicannon 

People are dominated by social structure, culture and society. The Hand That Feeds questions whether you should follow the rules of society for a comfortable life and continue believing the lies which control our culture or rebel and live by your own means.

I like the song, but please explain "the rules of society for a comfortable life." I'm very interested because it's a theme that appears so often on this site. I know of laws against murder; theft; rape; etc and for Christians there are given moral codes (whether we choose to follow them is elective, however) but what are the other 'rules." As adults we have free will and as long as we don't break governmental laws, I thought the rest was our choice. Anyway, just curious...

Depends on what society you live in. That's why I kept it under an umbrella term.

Now that's skirting around a proper answer;) (Oops...perhaps I shouldn't have used the word 'proper' :)

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